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Image by Leone Venter

Want to get
to know me

see why I do what I do.
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Let's start
at the beginning

My story is simple. I was working a 9-5 corporate job, consistently referred to as the go-to person.


I was 16 years with one company in Marketing Services. I was a leader among my co-workers and a mentor for new employees.

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I was overworked,

missed family time, and knew I wanted more.


I left the corporate world and decided to put my skills to use for myself. I have a passion for helping others.


Take a minute to imagine what it would be like to follow your dreams. 


Coloful Dots
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I am a
creative thinker

with confidence that I can show you how too! 


I know how difficult it can be to maintain a busy schedule and stay organized. I collaborate easily and quickly to align toward helping you make the transition.  My services include overcoming your fears and taking that first step so that you can focus on your future.  Act now and get started today. 

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My great adventure

If Hollywood made a movie about my life, it would be Kathy's Great Adventures. 


I enjoy living my dream life in Virginia Beach. I love the outdoors, hiking, camping, and kayaking. I cheer for football, baseball, and NASCAR. I like to travel and dining out. And I always have a good book to read. Live HAPPY sums it up!


My workbooks, courses will help you transform with confidence so YOU can live your bucket list!

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Let's Work Together!

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